One session therapy image

Do one-session treatments work?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Although it may seem unlikely, some conditions can be successfully treated with just a single session of therapy.  There is a strong peer-reviewed evidence base for the efficacy of one-session treatments for specific phobias that has been established for some time – see for example this review article published in 2008 that summarised the results of 21…
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The Psychology of Happiness

Reading Time: 4 minutes How happy do you think you are? Can you be sure you know?  It sounds unlikely that you wouldn’t know something so basic about yourself but consider a study conducted at the University of Mannheim in Germany in the 1980s. Psychologist Fritz Strack and his colleagues asked university students the following two questions: “How happy…
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Body Dysmorphia

The Ostrich Effect Psychology

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever delayed opening a letter with important information – fearing what it might tell you? How many will remember hesitating before opening a letter with their school exam results, a letter from your bank, or perhaps whenever the gas bill comes? What is the Ostrich Effect? Psychologists have identified a phenomenon called the…
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Body Dysmorphia

Pandemic lockdown and the impact on individuals with eating disorders

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am finding that the pandemic lockdown – which provides challenges for most of us – creates particular difficulties for those with eating disorders. There are different ways in which this can happen, some depending on the nature of their disorder. Given the established link between stress and eating disorders the increased stress that lockdown living will create…
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Body Dysmorphia

COVID-19 update & booking remote therapy sessions

Reading Time: < 1 minute The advice to stay at home during the Coronavirius pandemic presents an obvious challenge to those in need of therapy. However in common with many other therapists I offer online sessions for all the issues I treat via skype. I can understand that some people may have reservations about participating in online therapy but there…
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